Sunday, April 29, 2007

Recomended reading...

Here are some recent articles that give a feel for the rising temperature of religious debate the world over.

'Through a glass, darkly', by Jeff Sharlet, is an energetic insider's account of the zealous "Maximalist" movement. Think of it as a sort of backpacking-through-the-outback-of-American-Fundementalism with Jeff Sharlet as your undercover guide. Highly recomended.

'In the beginning' is a special report, from The Economist on the heated debate over creation and evolution gone global.

'We'd be better off without religion', by Ruth Glendhill, offers needed perspective on a debate that took place in London on March 28th, at which, the motion was "We'd be better off without religion."

Additionally, The DNA of Religious Faith, by David P. Barash, is a long, somewhat tedious article (with the sort of religious analogies that grate, save that one about the teapot), featuring some great overview, a few pearls of Atheist wisdom and some insight into a newly-charted dimension of the religious debate.

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