Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Problem with Religions Blogs

The problem with maintaining blogs is that they are the sort of thing that one intends to update regularly.

That said, a second problem is that they don't lend themselves to well considered, well researched argument. Take that statement for example. I don't intend to give any support to that claim.

Maybe, in truth, the problem is me. Or rather that my personality, doesn't lend itself to well considered, well researched argument. I'd prefer to pass this blame on to the blogging community at large (not you Bryan, there's nothing frivolous about your blog). After all, it's a communication format that myself and nameless others have chosen precisely for it's immediacy.

But can you have both immediacy and well considered, well researched content? Probably not. Why even try—after all, if I wanted to immerse myself in focused research I'd probably have stayed in school (maybe there they would have taught me how to maintain credibility with my readers!).

Or maybe I'd be agonizing over a book, or at least procrastinating a paper (e.g. Beverly Hills Cop: A Model for Secular Virtue).

But, alas, I'm blogging, which spans roughly five paragraphs and is about as formal as a hawaiian shirt, albeit, neatly pressed.

I suppose I'm saying all this because I often find myself with an urge to write about a topic that I know relatively little about, or that would require much too much research in order to arrive at an opinion worthy of dissemination.

What I've realized, however, is that I hold certain opinions regardless. I walk around with them every day, sharing them among family, friends and Apple store employees. Never mind that the majority of these opinions are potentially bogus, if not least uninformed, by any standard of rigor.

It's from this defective springboard that I launch today's nominal topic: Religion and Breeding

On second thought, better make it tomorrow's topic, it's gotten late.