Thursday, July 1, 2010

Christopher Hitchens has throat cancer

The brazen and embattled atheist, Christopher Hitchens, author of God Is Not Great and a recent memior, has been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. The survival rate for such cancer is disheartening (the five-year relative survival rate is well under 50%, even for cases where the cancer is localized [see American Cancer Society report]).

Also in the above-linked report are recommendations for prevention, which read like an inverse to-do list of Hitchens' daily regimen. The heavy-set, enfant terrible is known for leading an indulgent lifestyle with plenty of drinking and smoking.

That said, his public stance against all forms of religious zealotry has been nothing short of heroic. God, LLC wishes him the best possible recovery.


Steve said...

Okay God, LLC (or is it god, llc?), you must face the inevitable. That Hitchen's affliction has a divine origin, retribution for sinful behavior...come, on you must, you must...

GOD, LLC said...

Steve, I'm not sure if you're being serious or not. But I don't see the logic in your claim whatsoever.

How would you reconcile what you've suggested with the many Catholic priests who have raped children and lived to a ripe old age?

Also, why would your God issue a two-fold reprimand if eternal damnation already awaits?

A damaging aspect of religious belief is the paranoid psychology of divine punishment that it fosters. Why should children get brain tumors?