Now, in my age and wisdom I'm finding it harder and harder to be an asshole for the sake of making jokes, a change which, believe me, I welcome like a staph infection. It's this annoying tick called empathy which has the tendency to suck the life-blood from 9-out-of-10 potentially funny remarks (at least the sort that I would consider funny). What is more, I celebrate this "forbidden humor" when I hear it from others—in fact, I revel in it. Arrgh...
This familiar standoff is largely the reason for Petty Friday, which I've never explained. Petty Friday at God LLC is (supposedly) the one day a week where I trade my preferred brand of self-righteousness for the one most conducive to humor—arrogance! This week, however, I couldn't have put it better than James Parker at Slate Magazine...
Read NĂ¼ Testaments and discover the "true" end of grunge.
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