Monday, September 20, 2010

Church improvements continue

Hey all. Sometimes I feel like a big jerk on this blog. Then other times I feel like so totally justified. These are growing pains people!

Anyways, onto the most recent improvements around the ol' church (for those who are curious).

Finally got that kitchen sink installed (actually, that got finished a couple weeks ago).

Just this past week however I managed to find a temporary home for six of the fourteen pews that have been congesting the nave (i.e., my living room) for the past month.

The eight remaining pews will at times be a burden, but will also come in handy in certain applications. A blessing and a curse, as I like to say.

I think I'd like to start another weblog to deal exclusively with the church project. A place where others can feel encouraged to share their stories of church rehab/reuse. I think it will be called xhurches. I think a coffee table book will eventually follow. Or a coffee table digital-data-display ebook download, or whatever it ends up being when I finally get around to it.

Consider this an open invite to share any knowledge of church adaptations. I think I'm aware of two others in town. Gonna follow up.


alexis rose said...

i find it so fascinatingly ironic these "church improvements" you're doing.

Anonymous said...

Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you